Big Al's Flame Grilled Burgers

Master the Art of Burgers this summer season and stand out from the competition!

In the sizzling summer rush, maximizing burger offerings isn’t just a menu option—it’s a golden opportunity. With over 2.5 billion burgers devoured annually between Ireland and Britain, they’re not just a meal but a culinary obsession.

In a market where competition is as fierce as the grill flames, burgers offer a customizable canvas for culinary creativity, attracting a diverse clientele. As the out-of-home food landscape rebounds and burger consumption skyrockets by 25%, seizing this trend isn’t just savvy—it’s essential.

So fire up those grills, because in the battle of the buns, mastering burgers means claiming your spot at the top of the summer food chain!

Master the Build

  • Why should I update my burger menu this summer?
  • How do you build sweet and savoury taste in a burger?
  • What’s next for the humble burger in foodservice?

All these questions answered, and more in our latest Burgers Trends Report!

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Master the Menu

Because every Burger Master has their masterpiece.

Introducing the Burger of the Summer

Mediterranean Melt Burger Recipe

Get the Recipe

Not a fit for you? Try these other on-trend burger recipes:

Specially crafted for foodservice operators like you by our culinary innovation chefs at Kepak Chef’s Compass. Each recipe has 3 tiers, going from ‘Classic’ with minimal effort & ingredients, to ‘Gourment’ with added flair and justifying a higher price point.